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The YCombinator Alumni group is one of the most influential private groups in Silicon Valley determining the next industries that will be digitally disrupted. the future of technology in the world/next gen trillion dollar companies/next industries being transformed/disrupted. Its members are the most successful leaders in technology from around the world who are able to impact the following sectors:



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Big Companies

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The YCombinator Alumni group has been instrumental in both advising and working together with several United States Presidential Administrations, such as that of Former President Barack Obama as well as with the current Presidential Administration of Joe Biden to transform the way the government serves its citizens.

Big Companies

Big Companies

As leaders of leading software and tech companies, our members and group as a whole has been highly sought after by the biggest corporations in the world, such as XXX. As the digital transformation of every sector continues to be the ultimate differentiator between companies who thrive and companies who die, the most influential corporations looking for staying power are eager to learn from the leading innovative tech companies who will be setting the digital standards for the next 50 years to come.  



Helping investments. programs to invest. 

© 2024. Proudly created by Alumni Founders.

We are not affiliated with YCombinator Management LLC.

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